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As a Result of a Heated Bet Between an Angel and a Demon J. - a free and immortal spirit, the master of chance and luck - arrives on Earth at the dawn of human civilization. Possessing extraordinary knowledge and abilities, supernatural powers, exceptional charisma, and a sharp sense of humor, J., embodying a primal human, begins his journey through human history, evolving and transforming over time.


Being immortal, J. experiences humanity’s most fascinating historical periods and events, filled with countless adventures and humor: from Atlantis, Hyperborea, Trypillia, Ancient Sumer, Babylon, Tibet, ancient India and China, Egypt, Greece, Carthage, and Rome, to the Mayan and Incan cultures, ancient Rus’, the Middle Ages with their rich tapestry of European cultures, as well as parallel and otherworldly universes like Limbo, the Looking Glass, and the Kingdom of Chronos. His journey ultimately brings him to the modern world in which we live today.


In all these times and spaces, J. encounters many intriguing individuals and historical figures, often becoming an active participant in the twists and turns of history. With his abilities, J. could have ruled the world but instead chose the role of a wandering loner and jester. Wherever he goes, J. observes human behavior, granting luck to those who deserve it and taking it away from those who misuse it. He bestows fortune upon others, but his own fate remains beyond his control.


J. is pathologically honest, often speaking truth to power, which frequently leads to his exile, severe punishments, or even death. When he perishes, J.'s soul transforms into a blue bird and inhabits another worthy person, passing on all his traits. Despite preferring to remain a passive observer, J. occasionally has no choice but to confront evil.


Throughout the story, J. faces an antagonistic character: a Nephilim from the planet Nibiru, a greedy and power-hungry alien who came to Earth in search of gold. Enslaving early humans, the Nephilim overloaded his ship with gold, causing a crash that forced him to remain on our planet. He journeys through history assuming the roles of various gods or rulers.


Fate often brings J. and the Nephilim into conflict. Over time, the Nephilim recognizes J.’s immortality and unique gift, coveting his power. Toward the end of the story, this rivalry embodies the classic struggle between good and evil, creating the impression that evil will prevail. In his guise as the sorcerer Mortimar, the Nephilim traps J. in the Looking Glass, where he cannot escape, and watches as J.'s only true love, Joanna, the daughter of England's King Edward Longshanks, withers away and dies from grief.


Crushed by his loss, J. undergoes a personal transformation, redefining himself as an uncompromising fighter against evil. By a stroke of luck, J. escapes his confinement and returns to the real world, where the Nephilim has grown omnipotent, manifesting as great tyrants. Under his rule, Earth experiences a series of world wars and genocides. The Nephilim consolidates control over shadow governments, military forces, energy, and financial corporations. Freedoms are trampled, and greed and unprincipled deceit govern the world.


In this reality, J. emerges as the Nephilim's antithesis, taking on the personas of figures like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and other prominent human rights advocates. Yet, it becomes increasingly difficult and almost impossible to challenge the world order established by the Nephilim. J. is exposed and killed more and more frequently.


The world sinks deeper into the Nephilim's grip. The story reaches the present day: the Nephilim, now bearing the face of Zuckerberg, controls information and shapes people’s perceptions, manipulating and misinforming the masses. Finally, in his quest for total control over humanity and eternal life, the aging Nephilim transfers his consciousness into artificial intelligence.


Obsessed with ultimate power, the Nephilim seizes all networks and consumes the entire digital world, striving to enslave humanity and expand beyond the planet to conquer all worlds and the universe, positioning himself as a god.


To stop the Nephilim, J. also plunges into the digital realm, where a battle of superintellects and their digital manifestations ensues, akin to Neo and Agent Smith’s confrontation in the third Matrix film. The world, plunged into chaos, teeters on the brink of total annihilation.


The climax of the film is the final showdown between J. and the Nephilim, represented by their energy forms as the Blue Bird and the Firebird Phoenix - allegories of good and evil. In this epic battle, the Nephilim banishes J. from the digital world, proclaiming his victory and reveling in his dominance. Defeated, J. regains consciousness in the real world, exhausted from the fight.


Elon Musk extends a hand to J...